Budo Shin Kai
Espíritu del Arte Marcial
Spirit of Martial Art
Keep on training!
Continúa entrenando!
Práctica diaria
Daily practice
Budo hin es una Escuela de conocimiento donde nos dedicamos a la enseñanza y práctica diaria del Aikido y otras disciplinas como Iaido, Qi Gong y Medicina Tradicional.
Horario de práctica
Practice schedule
Lunes 18 - 19.30 hs. Monday
Martes 8.30 - 10 hs. Tuesday
Miércoles 18 - 19.30 hs. Wednesday
Jueves 8.30 - 10 hs. Thursday
Viernes 18 - 19.30 hs. Friday
Sábado 8.30 - 10.30 hs Saturday
Clase de armas - Weapons class
Miérc. y Sáb. - Wed. & Sat.
Fomenta y pule el espíritu guerrero
mientras sirves en el mundo;
ilumina el camino según la voluntad divina.
Fosters and polishes the warrior spirit
while you serve in the world;
illuminates the Way according to the divine will.
Budo Shin is a school of knowledge where we are dedicated to the teaching and daily practice of Aikido and other disciplines such as Iaido, Qi Gong and Traditional Medicine.
Budo, the warrior´s way.
Aikido is true Budo, the way of harmony and peace.
Even in the storm.
Without training there is no Budo.
Without discipline, there is no training.
Without motivation, there is no discipline.
Without trust and joy, there is no motivation.
Without courage there is no trust or honor.
Without wisdom there is no courage.
Without calm and self-control there is no wisdom.